Finally summer vacation has started for me! I just finished the last of my school yesterday, and I feel so relieved now. This week we have been to the pool almost every day. The weather finally turned from rainy and cloudy to bright and sunny: a perfect pool day :) Sunday was our church picnic, and surprisingly I didn't find it too hot. I have also been watching the G's dogs, Treasure and Leia this week. I love them and I hope to have some pics up of them soon ;). I also got my running shoes today! I love them!! I'm going to be training over the summer for different races, and eventually I want to train for a marathon. :) I'm hoping to participate in a 5K race on June 13th, but we'll see if I can train enough to run it.

That's all for now! It's 90 degrees out right now, so I'm staying inside :)

*For some reason my computer won't load my pictures, so I can't post any right now! I'll try to post them as soon as possible :P