I made this story in a very crazy way. I took 10 completely different books, and used the first sentence on each page 56. I put all the sentences together, and this is what I came up with. After each period is a new sentence from a different book.

And he loved the quiet times after Hester and Lester went to bed. Then they picked up their rubber mats and walked to the next room. G.T. looked at us with such kindness in his face. Mama ran into the house and shut the door behind her. We might have thought they were stupid if it hadn't been for them joining in the hopscotch. To his surprise Jokey, lying asleep at his feet, woke up with a start, hopping up on his three legs and then stood up on his hind legs, pawing Trad's knee impatiently. "Dear Mr. Henshaw, I finished Beggar Bears in two nights." And that's where we're going to start. He stopped on the doorstep to talk to Grandfather. "It's a whale!" Ashley yelled, splashing into the surf, "I think it's stranding!"

Tell me what you think of it :) Feel free to do the same thing, it's fun!