EDIT* I just realized I could get the award for using the most parenthesis in one post! sorry about that :P just try to bear with it haha

Hey everybody, sorry about the delay on posting. Even though I'm sure you guys hear this from every blogger, I have been really busy.

School has been pretty crazy these past few weeks. It's not even like I feel "swamped" with school, I have just been finishing so late. A couple of nights last week, I was finishing after 7:00 P.M.
Math has been a challenge, not because I'm learning new stuff, but rather cause I can't seem to remember everything when it comes to taking tests! Science and Literature have been going pretty easy this school year. (except for one week when my teachers decided that we needed extra work at the same time hmmm). German seems to be moving at a slower rate, but I'm loving it, and I feel as though I'm actually learning it too! (Isn't that the point of school?) Health, history, and grammar are my "easy" subjects. Each one takes anywhere from 5-25 min. (Pretty simple).

Now as for my permit well.....sigh...I could not get it on, or even near my 15th Birthday. But I'm ok with that. So as of now I'm slowly (but surely!) studying and trying to remember every little detail they stuff into that tiny booklet of drudgery. (I've never hated reading one thing so much before), and hopefully I can take the test relatively soon :P I'll keep you posted on that one....

I never did make any new year's resolutions, but I though I would share a list of things that I would love to get done before the end of the year. (yea right)

*finish my quilt! I started working on it in I think the end of 2006? Well this has been something that has been with me since the beginning. We crazily decided to hand cut, mark, pin, and sew all the sqaures. Thus, needing a lot of time. Well I'm now on the last stretch of it. and just have a few more things to sew left. Then, Alas! I'll be fertig! (finished)

*Study for, and get my permit! Since being so busy with school, I haven't had too much time to study, so I'm really trying to get in as much as possible.

*To be able to worship God not only in church, but also in how I live my daily life. I have always loved music, and have always found it so easy to openly worship God in church, and in song. One thing I want to work on, however, is to worship God in my life as well! I'm really asking God to help me in the way I treat my family, and friends, so I can reflect him in all I do.

*Lastly, I have been growing my hair out since about June, and I would love to donate my hair to the Locks of Love organization. My hair definitely grows on the faster side. When I was younger it grew at about an inch a month! I have already donated my hair there twice, and I would love to do at least a couple more times!

So this is my list of things I would love to accomplish this year. Lord-willing, I can do them all!
Thanks to anybody who still reads my blog :P
Auf Wiedersehen!
