(n.) The state of being negligent; negligence.
Obviously I have been negligent towards my blog the past month. I'm going to start anew and really try to keep up with my posts, at least for the rest of the month :) I am not really blogging so much for other people to read, as I am just doing it for myself. (Although having readers is always a plus ^.^) I find that when I write down my thoughts, post pictures, etc, I feel more accomplished, and I'm glad that I saved that stuff to look back on later. So look for new posts in the future, preferably more often than once a month...

Catching up:
Rebelution Conference, 2009, Birmingham, AL.
At the end of August, Several teens from Resurgence traveled the 3 hour trip to AL, to attend a Rebelution conference! We went, and it was an excellent conference. Alex and Brett Harris spoke clearly and were very easy to understand. It was a great experience, and I'm grateful that I got to go. :)

Wisdom teeth out...
Last Tuesday I went to a surgeon to get my wisdom teeth out,(Surprisingly, I only had two) and also to pull down an impacted tooth. I must say that it was NOT the most comfortable thing in the world, but God came through for me, and it was not a horrible experience either ;) I was very swollen and bruised for the first week, and school was not my first priority that whole week. The following Friday I had co-op, and let's just say I was not 100% there :P I have recovered a lot more since then, but my mouth is still bruised and my impacted tooth is pretty painful. I hope to recover fully soon so I can get back to eating my normal foods!

That same Friday we celebrated Aliya's 18th birthday with a small pajama party :) We watched an old movie call "The Rear Window," and had cake and ice cream as well. Happy 18th birthday Aliya! I'm so thankful for you. You are a great example to me in so many ways, and I can't imagine my life without you! Thanks for being the best older sister in the entire world!!! =D I love you!

Besides all these events, I'm still actively training to run a half-marathon at the end of October. I did take a couple breaks due to sickness, or extreme business, but I am now back on schedule and hope to continue to the end :) I'll update more on this as I get into it more.

So, I'm pretty sure that I am all caught up on the most recent events. Please check back with my blog more often if you still read this ;) I really hope to keep updating it on a regular basis so I don't have to do these uber long posts. Haha
Until then...