Well, I just got through my last week of no school. I'm kind of excited of starting school, but I know it's going to take a few weeks to get on a normal schedule. After we start school on Monday however, we will be leaving three days later to drive to Virginia Beach, VA! :) We will only be there for about three days, but if it gets me out of a couple more days of school then I'm fine with that. So really the Monday after that is when our serious school schedule starts hehe.

On another topic, I am still running to train for a 10K/half marathon. I have been running at least three times a week, and I'm averaging about 13+ miles a week! This is very exciting to me, since before I could barely even run 1 mile without almost passing out lol. Although there are some routes that are pretty hard (e.g...the ones with hills), for the most part I have found running to be fun and almost relaxing :) I'm really excited about doing this running plan, and even if I end up not running any major races, I'll still feel like I accomplished something.

Well that's all I have for now. I should have some pictures up from VA (If I take any :P) sometime next week. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to post until then!


Oh! I almost forgot! For several months now, one of the high C's on our piano has been broken, thus ruining several songs we tried to play. Well, finally we had a piano tuner/technician come in and fix the key! Words can't describe how happy this made me. Now I feel like I can play so much easier without having to worry about that one key lol
Ok that's all now =D I might post a vid of me playing one of my new favorite songs.