Well I'm not quite sure where to start. This past week has been very interesting. I'll start with the not so good...

It all happened on a Tuesday afternoon, Rachel G and I were just walking to Johnson's corner, and decided to stop and sit down in their front yard. All the neighbor kids were playing in the yard across the street, so between playing with Malibu (Rach's new ipod touch) and watching the kids playing football, we were perfectly content just sitting there on the curb.....Then it hit me...literally. I heard someone yell watch out! and then a plastic (yes plastic) light saber hit me right on my head. I felt a little dizzy and sorta nauseous, and it hurt...a lot, but it was nothing I couldn't handle....so I thought. As I looked down to look at Rachel's ipod, I say something drop into my hand. Something red (aka blood)...the first thought that went through my head was oh no... my new clothes! My second thought was that my head got cracked open and I wasn't really gonna survive. Suddenly everything started spinning and my vision sorta got fuzzy(not like it isn't fuzzy already:P ) I felt really naseous, so I all of a sudden just collapsed on the grass and closed my eyes, and tried not to think about my head. Everybody sprang into action staring at me :) and saying stuff (most of which I didn't hear) Finally Mrs. Johnson (the owner of the yard I was getting blood all over) came out with a wet rag and started asking me questions. Long story short my dad came and looked at my head and saw no major injury, so I just walked home and washed my hair! (which was filled with blood!) I did get a picture, but have decided against putting it up here due to the um...let's say disgustingness of it lol

The next day I was feeling more nauseous than ever which wasn't a great thing since that morning at 9:30 AM I was scheduled to have 4 teeth pulled! After about 2 hours (my teeth are very stubborn) I was done, and feeling like I was going to throw up! the rest of the day until about 4 I had a fever, and was laying on the couch. Besides not being able to chew, and having a sore head, I have healed quite nicely from this week's drama! :D

Now on to the good!
I was able to finish a Literature paper that was due the same week I had all those problems, so I'm very grateful that it turned out relatively good. I also bought a 16g itouch for an extremely good price! even though it's only the first generation, I'm glad it was so cheap. (I have yet to recieve it though :P I'm hoping it will be here soon) besides all of this, I have been able to go see a movie, get fall clothes, and play with my friends :) I'm grateful that God has healed me so quickly, and I'm looking forward to church tomorrow.

Now I'll be surprised if you're at the end of this post and read the whole thing!
I hope to post about something in sooner than a week :P
with love,

As for the title: Pietrisycamollaviadelrechiotemexity, it means something along the lines of "I must admit I haven't the faintest idea of what is going on here."
just thought I would tell anybody who wondered, it's not a real word, just a funny word from a great book!