Alright well as you can tell I have not posted in for almost a month! I have not been doing much sine then. As usual our computer was out for about a month, so we were stuck using the laptop (which doesn't work with my blog) So that's one reason why I haven't posted, or looked at other blogs. In this past week we fixed our little computer problem, so hopefully I can post more! A little update on life: My Great-Grandmother passed away this past Sunday, so my mom flew to CO. this Thursday to attend her funeral services, and doesn't get back till Monday. Us kids are home alone this weekend while my dad is at work, so hopefully we'll last this weekend! God Willing... I finish all my school by May 20th, and on June 3rd-June 11th Joel Aliya, and I are flying to visit some of our old friends in Colorado. I'm a little nervous flying without grownups, but I should be fine. Our plane has to stop in Wisconsin so maybe I'll pick some postcards up as well :D Also the pool opens May 17th, so most likely we'll be swimming a lot this summer (GA. summers are pretty hazy) In the beginning of July we hope to drive to VA for our yearly trip to the beach and to visit friends. And this is about it for my summer. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things here, and hopefully you'll all see more posts on my blog soon!

So until then~
The Editor
P.S. My mom took my camera to CO. so I can't post pictures till she comes back :D